Others have already linked to this Washington Post piece about the King/Hazzard contretemps, so I may be beating a dead horse but I have to wonder when this idiotic "literary vs. genre" nonsense will play itself out.
There's not a single message board that I have ever visited -- not one -- that does not include some form of this exhausted debate, usually in terms and tones incendiary and condescending. And after perusing all the miles and KB of threads, I'm forced to ask the question: Who cares? Isn't it enough to say that each side probably envies something the other side has, and to leave it at that? How much more really needs to be said?
People behave as though there's some definitive answer to these questions - which is harder, which is better, which is more worthy of aspiring to? Well, herewith at TEV we declare a total immediate worldwide moratorium on this question. Please comply at once, or harsh consequences will follow.
Thanks in advance.
UPDATE: Terry takes me to the Teachout Woodshed this morning over this post, but he does it gracefully and anyway I like him and his site far too much to be sore about it. Besides, no one's ever called me "Hoss" before.
Works for me. But like I said earlier, I just want to read good books. Wherever they may be.
Posted by: Sarah | January 06, 2004 at 05:54 AM
Well, I've been watching a lot of Westerns lately!
Posted by: Terry Teachout | January 06, 2004 at 01:32 PM