A French author is suing Disney over Finding Nemo.
Franck Le Calvez alleges that the hero of the US movie, a clown fish named Nemo, looks very much like the main character in his book "Pierrot le poisson-clown" (Pierrot the Clown Fish), which came out at the end of 2002, well before the Disney blockbuster.He also says there are "troubling" similarities between supporting characters in both works, notably the use of a surgeon fish and a cleaner shrimp.
I'm the last one to defend Disney but it's hard to imagine a bunch of development executives sitting around saying, "We need a new comedy idea - let's go see what the French have."
your friends at Disney are having a tough time. Yesterday I heard that Eisner went hat in hand to some wealthy Saudi prince for some more millions to keep Eurodisney afloat. Who thought that the French needed the happiest place on earth.
Posted by: Paul Terwelp | January 28, 2004 at 09:44 AM