This Friday TEV will welcome the first of what we hope will be numerous authors who stop by, take the keys, and drive the site around the block a few times. Our debut author will be Stephen Elliott, whose novel Happy Baby is published by MacAdam/Cage and McSweeney's, and whose acquaintance we made at BEA.
His official bio on his website reads, "Stephen Elliott is the author of four novels including Happy Baby which was co-published by McSweeney's and MacAdam/Cage in February 2004 and will be published in paperback by Picador in 2005. If you live in Norway the answer is yes, the Norweigan rights have been purchased, so keep your eyes peeled. Same for Italy. He is also the author of Looking Forward To It Or How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The American Political Process."
When he recently appeared in L.A. for a reading, we suggested the guest host gig and he accepted with alacrity. As with other guest hosts, we place no limit on content, frequency or style of postings. He can do pretty much whatever he likes, and we'll be as curious as you to see what he comes up with.
Great job Mark. Another excellent innovation for the LitBlog world. I look forward to reading on Friday.
Posted by: Dan Wickett | July 07, 2004 at 03:37 PM