Three Apples Fell from Heaven, a novel of the Armenian genocide, has been sitting on our TBR shelf more or less since it came out. We heard great things at the time, and one way or another, we will get to it. That said, it immediately caught our eye that Micheline Aharonian Marcom will be reading in town from her new book Thursday night.
MICHELINE AHARONIAN MARCOM, author of the praise-worthy Three Apples Fell From Heaven, discusses her latest novel, The Daydreaming Boy, with book reviewer Arpi Sarafian. Abril Bookstore, 415 E. Broadway, Suite 102, Glendale; Thurs., April 19, 8 p.m. (818) 243-4112.
That may well be a TEV first, by the way. We've certainly bought plenty of books in hardcover and failed to crack them open before the paperback arrived. But this may be the first time we didn't get to a book before its successor came out. Dark times, indeed.