We've pretty much shot our load with the DFW post, the Vermin coverage and the above item but that doesn't seem to stop the news from coming our way. So here you go, all the latest literary news that's fit to print. Or at least, that fits.
* In the Denver Post, David Milofsky writes of the ascendancy of literary agents. (Check out the Maud mention - and hey, newspaper types - there's this thing called a hyperlink ... And speaking of Maud, do check out her radio appearance this morning with our pal Ron and our favorite self-important non-blogger, Dennis Johnson.)
* C'mon, you know you want just one more Orhan Pamuk profile. Say "uncle" ... (And if you're really bored - more Tom Wolfe! This time from Scotland.)
* This week's new novel from Joyce Carol Oates.
* Did Anita Shreve really have a "modest but solid literary reputation"?
* The Journal News profiles Hungarian Nobel Laureate Imre Kertesz and suggests this "his profile is about to shoot up in America" with the release of his next novel, Liquidation, from Knopf. UPDATE: The Literary Saloon offers a nice round-up of Things Kertesz ...
* San Francisco is now convinced that they're the center of the literary universe. (But they do cite one of the Book Babes as a source, so be suspicious.) Guess that's how it goes - lose a world series, claim literary supremacy instead. Of course, they'll have to duke it out with Edinburgh, which has now been named the First International City of Literature ... Our money's on the fighting scots.
* Looks like the Boston Globe just noticed that Granta has turned 25.
* And finally, whatever you may be writing, don't write any more letters to Martha Stewart, please. (Especially not on anything less than 80-lb. cream stock.)