I just concluded a telephone interview with Karen Grigsby Bates of NPR's Day to Day in which we talked about the emerging prominence and power - alleged or actual - of the literary blog scene. The interview will air tomorrow (consult your local NPR station schedule), and I do hope you'll tune in, if only to make appropriate fun of my early morning pre-coffee voice.
If you're in the L.A. area, the program airs on KCRW at noon.
UPDATE: My pals at L.A. Observed inform me that KPCC wil air the show at 9 a.m. PST. (Streaming available.)
I'm listening to KPCC now...if this pledge drive is running over your story, the next time I fly out to Los Angeles asses are going to be kicked.
Posted by: editor | November 10, 2004 at 09:28 AM
L.A. didn't get to take the stage until after Chicago. Provincialism! Go Chicago! Woo hoo!
Posted by: Pete | November 10, 2004 at 09:52 AM