December 21, 2004


Matt Cheney

I haven't read the Time article to go along with the Thing of the Year award, but I do seem to remember folks like Hitler and Stalin also having been chosen in the past...


How'd you shift to Powell's? And I thought you were out until early January or I would've put you in my list of "while I'm away" destinations!


(Although naturally I'm not nearly as "away" as I thought I'd be....)


The award is given to "the person or thing that had the greatest impact on the news, for good or ill." I think that GW is an appropriate choice.

I also think that Time punked out by naming Giuliani, and not Osama bin Laden, the 2001 Person of the Year. I don't think there's any doubt that OBL had the greatest impact on the news, but they went with the less controversial choice. Weak.


Points taken. However given that the opening blurb of the piece reads as follows:

"For sticking to his guns (literally and figuratively), for reshaping the rules of politics to fit his ten-gallon-hat leadership style and for persuading a majority of voters that he deserved to be in the White House for another four years, George W. Bush is TIME's 2004 Person of the Year"

... it smacks more of hagiography than critique.


It should be noted that Time Warner gave nearly 85% of its contributions to the Dems this year. Also note that I'm a fan of the Atlanta Braves and would hate to see a Time boycott cut into the already shrinking payroll of my favorite team.

I would also like to know how you made the switch over to Powell's.


dammit. i luv, luv, luv powells (it's the first bookstore i ever drank coffee in), and i review books on my site, too, but i also review lip gloss, eyeshadow, and other beauty items. if only powells would start selling cosmetics... sigh.

Bill  Day

I would also like to know how you made the shift to Powell's, please. Perhaps you could post instructions?


glad to help. can you email beer? maybe at least send a whiff (with possibly your last smell-o-vision update of the year): http://www.smh.com.au/news/Technology/Smell-comes-to-multimedia/2004/12/20/1103391690350.html?oneclick=true


Is Bush a nitwit? Yes, 9 out of 10 dentists agree. But should we boycott Time for naming the President its Person of the Year? No. As said in other posts, this is not an endorsement, it's their way of saying he was the most influential person in 2004. And he was. Regrettably so. All this boycotting, it's got to stop, I think. We have differences, all of us, but we should be able to buy and sell goods between one another. The Nazis painted "Juden" on store-front windows; what will we do, replace it with "Republican"? There's got to be a better way.

Robert Nagle

I have many reasons why I ought to hate Time magazine (AOL conspiracy theories, anti-RIAA), but I can't help it; I just enjoy the writing too much. Time is great at taking a mainstream news stories (OJ, Tanya Harding, etc) and turning it into a novel. (Also, there's Shickel and Corliss). This is mainstream journalism, and some cover stories bore me. But so far I haven't found a good replacement.

Although I wonder if the mag spends too much time in cross-promotion, in fact the writers/editors seem relatively independent and critical(and it does help to have these Time/Warner book excerpts too).

BTW, I've read the Mencken quote several times and laugh harder every time I come across it.

Fred Schoeneman


If you want to boycott something, boycott Pfizer. They're the ones responsible for blog spam viagra, through their referral programs.



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