The estimable Dan Green - whose blog The Reading Experience is one of our favorites - takes time out to chat with Scott McLemee over at Inside Higher Education about the new Litblog Co-op ...
Q: So what particular impact might this enterprise might have? It seems that some care has been taken to define it as other than an award — as if the intent is as much to influence readers as to recognize authors. But do the people involved have any larger goal, in terms of influencing the larger literary culture?
A: You’re right that the intent is to influence readers. Thus the “selection” is simply called “Read This.” I think that all of the participants believe that litblogs have reached an untapped, or at least undertapped, source of readers for both contemporary fiction and (in my case, at least) the critical discussion of literature more broadly. I also think that most of us hope that our quarterly selection and, if it catches on, the popularity of same, will serve notice to publishers and to the editors of book reviews and magazines that this audience exists. I myself don’t have any illusions that serious fiction of the sort we’re promoting will suddenly become very popular, or that the litblog co-op will begin to wield enormous influence, but I would hope that our selections would bring additional attention to worthy books from smaller or less well-endowed presses. Probably everyone would agree that that is the main goal.
If writers, readers, editors, book columnists, etc. would pay more attention to litblogs and to the tastes in fiction we’re expressing, that would be nice. Not because of the attention per se but because we’re illustrating that there are serious readers of fiction in this country.