As part of last post's conversation, Ed Champion points to this Boston Globe Article on the changing state of high school reading list and what students are/are not responding to. It's an area I regret we couldn't get to during Bookmark Now except sideways. In his essay "Distractions", Tom Bissell discusses his mutual love for early Updike and Grand Theft Auto. Tracey Chevalier tackles the maddening "Top 5 Favorite Books" list that every author gets asked and how uniquely 21st century this phenomenon is. But I would have loved to tackle in more depth how we see classics 10 years after the PC wave of the 1990s. How do we select them for high school curriculums and ourselves? I'm especially interested in hearing from any teachers in the house.
Tom's essay has cost me hours of lost productivity, with his mention of playing chess online. It sent me to revive my long-dormant ICC account, and I've spent subsequent hours getting smacked around by patzers of all stripes ...
Posted by: TEV | May 25, 2005 at 01:11 PM