The ... ebullient ... Bat Segundo is bringing you the sounds of BEA, so if you couldn't make it to DC and want to hear what you missed, off you go.
Subjects Discussed: Dubious podcasting panels, marketing terminology, fisting, Tyler Cowen’s essay, bookstore websites, the “hit or miss” quality of BEA panels, whether or not “the long tail” is a great conspiracy theory, “the future is aluminum,” the relevancy of Wired, death, promoting a book without a publishing deal, the Tin House imprint’s break with Bloomsbury, playing chess vs. promoting books, a brief moment involving a Sousaphone, how to create exuberance without Richard Nash, the difficulties of shopping around a literary anthology, and shopping an Australian novel around in New York.
I heard half of this live - it was very good. Margaret is a reasonable interviewer - sometimes she is terrific. JB seemed to get on very well with her. The music I heard was very special indeed.
Posted by: genevieve | June 04, 2006 at 03:53 AM