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July 24, 2006


Jim Ruland

Great interview! Wish I could make the reading but will check out the book.

Scott Smith

John McNally's reading in Iowa City was recorded and should be available here before the end of the week (I hope): http://wsui.uiowa.edu/prairie_lights.htm.

McNally is an excellent reader -- he can work a library, bookstore or a bar.


Protective measures

As the rectum has no natural lubrication, artificial lubrication is most often required or preferred when penetrating the anus.

Because the vaginal opening is located so close to the anus, without proper precautions it is not uncommon for sexual partners to spread bacteria from the anus into the vagina as well as the urethra, the repercussions of which can include urinary tract infection (UTI), which can lead to infection of the kidneys. This also happens if an object or appendage is inserted rectally and then vaginally before proper cleaning.

Latex gloves or condoms can be used to reduce the risk. It is also possible to take acceptable measures separate from such protection, which include (but are not limited to) hand washing and being conscious and wary of where one's hands and devices are placed.

Condoms may be less effective and more prone to burst or slip during anal sex than vaginal sex. While one study estimates that condoms fail anywhere from 10% - 32% of the time during anal sex,<29> SIECUS indicates a much lower failure rate of 0.5 to 12%.<30>

On this subject, the CDC says "Most of the time, condoms work well. However, condoms are more likely to break during anal sex than during vaginal sex. Thus, even with a condom, anal sex can be very risky. A person should use generous amounts of water-based lubricant in addition to the condom to reduce the chances of the condom breaking."<31>

Some manufacturers offer "extra strong" condoms designed specifically for anal intercourse. These condoms, while stronger, are usually not coated with spermicide and so offer less protection against pregnancy should semen enter a woman's vagina, but will lessen the chance of irritation to the sensitive anus area.

In a 1998 joint conference of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality and the American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors, and Therapists, Jack Morin recommended Kegel exercises for people interested in anal sex to eliminate the possibility of loss of muscle tone, though he claimed he had never observed muscle loosening himself and the comment was primarily concerned with insertion of fists and other large objects.

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Thank you

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