Over at the LA Weekly, Claire Messud - whose new novel The Emperor's Children gets the glowing front page of the New York Times Book Review this Sunday - is the subject of this very interesting Q&A conducted by Michelle Huneven (Jamesland).
Just out of curiosity, how do you write with a literary critic in the house?
It’s perfectly easy for me. I show him stuff, and I want him to be my loving husband and the honest literary critic at the same time. It’s not a problem for me, it’s a problem for him, he has to negotiate that one. I have to say, it does seem an incredible gift in life to spend so much time with somebody who cares so much about the same things I care about.
"I want him to be my loving husband and the honest literary critic at the same time."
Dream on, baby.
Posted by: Katia Noyes | August 24, 2006 at 11:14 PM
What a nightmare -- is he not allowed because of bias to post a review about her in the papers I wonder? it would be very interesting if he slammed her book. Do you think she would then ask for a divorce? looking forward to reading Emporer's Children
Posted by: Jerry Sticker | August 25, 2006 at 12:42 PM