I was looking around for things to "lit-blog" about. I found myself over at Maud Newton's and that's pretty much where I stayed for the last 45 minutes. She's feeling down about New York, which can happen. But the interesting thing about Maud is just how well, and fairly, she writes about books. It's really amazing. I've enjoyed many other lit-blogs but frankly, and I'll offend some people here, Maud Newton is just better than everybody else. Her writing is succinct and precise and her reading of the books she's commenting on is measured and insightful.
There is a lot of value in the other blogs, and there are also blogs that have no value whatsoever. But Maud really shouldn't have to do anything other than write her blog. When you do something that well it shouldn't just be a hobby. I'm sure she's already been approached by newspapers and has turned them down for her own reasons. The point I'm making is that Maud has elevated lit-blogging to an art and I (and many others) appreciate it. The only comparison that makes sense to me is Josh Marshall over at Talking Points Memo, the only political blog I'm going to miss in my month offline.
Maud, you're the Josh Marshall of book writing, which is as much a compliment as I know how to give.