Check out an innovative adaptation of the critically acclaimed work Severance: Stories by Pulitzer Prize-winning author Robert Olen Butler ... It runs March 2nd–March 31st Thursdays–Saturdays at 8pm, Sundays at 2pm at The McCadden Place Theatre 1157 N. McCadden Place, Hollywood
There's a special Pay-What-You-Can preview March 1st and a special discount for TEV readers - simply use code 005 for $10 off via the web link below.
Tickets $30 at the door
For tickets call (323) 960-4484 or visit
"Modern literature comes to life on stage as two local theatre companies prepare to launch Severance, a world premiere adaptation of Severance: Stories, a collection of shorts by Pulitzer Prize-winning author Robert Olen Butler.
Butler, whose background is largely based in theatre, will be in Los Angeles March 8th–11th to attend the performance and to participate in press events, book signings and a one night only post-show discussion on Friday March 9th. “It is exciting to see my work taken one step further, used as a jumping off point to inspire an entirely new work of art,” said Butler regarding the adaptation.
An abstract tour of human history, Severance delves into the thoughts of the decapitated. The play and the stories told there-in are based on the premise that the human head lives for ninety seconds after the moment of separation, and that in that final moment the mind continues to remember, ponder, and regret. The infamously beheaded, from Cicero to Marie Antoinette, Jayne Mansfield to John the Baptist, join a cast of victims from across time and humanity to present a bittersweet account of life on Earth, and the inescapable moment of death."
Since when is Robert Olen Butler's background in theater? I thought his background was in promoting Robery Olen Butler.
Posted by: Bruce Wayne | February 27, 2007 at 09:34 AM
Theatre major, et alia:
Posted by: TEV | February 27, 2007 at 10:18 AM
I wish I were in California. I adore his work and loved this book. Thanks for the tease.
Posted by: Amy MacKinnon | February 28, 2007 at 12:46 PM