We're long-time proponents of what we feel is a vital, overlooked sub-niche of books: Bathroom Reading. The qualities that make a perfect bathroom book are, like any other definition of perfection, elusive and subject to change. But generally speaking, these books consist of easily digestible, standalone bits and don't make too many deep demands - as attention can be at a premium in such moments.
The pile of reading accumulated in our guest bathroom caught our eye the other day, and we thought we'd offer up this sampling of the kind of thing we think makes ideal bathroom reading:
Read the Beatles. We've actually blogged about this title before but we find we never tire of re-reading the post-breakup interviews. Paul actually comes off surprisingly candidly and unguarded in a few of these.
Off to the Races and Up the Road. A pair of collections of Samuel Abt's excellent cycling coverage. As tales of doping fill the media today, it's mildly discouraging to go back and read his coverage of the infamous Festina scandal and reflect on how little has changed.
The Top Ten. Another title we've blogged about but there's perhaps nothing more easily digested, ahem, in short reads than this book's series of top ten book lists by notable authors.
The Dangerous Book for Boys. This one is merely making a pit stop here before being handed off to Nephew Zachary who, at ten, is the ideal audience for this book. But we'll suspect he'll enjoy it only slightly more than we have (though we've been accused of arrested development before.) We can finally learn how to play Texas Hold 'Em ...
Interfictions. Billed as an anthology of interstitial writing, we have it primarily to check out Matt Cheney's excellent story "A Map of the Everywhere," and we found ourselves unexpectedly pulled in.
Found II. Perfect bathroom reading - visual, visual, visual. Loads of images and text, Found II is the second collection of "lost, tossed, and forgotten items -- love notes, shopping lists, doodles, and diary entries -- from around the world." Engrossing, endlessly diverting.
Time to go. Mrs. TEV is knocking at the door ... Any good books in yours?
I’m not sure but a writer without sense of humour could not appreciate a classification of his books as Bathroom Reading…
PS I apologize for any English mistake (I’m Italian).
Posted by: Annarita | May 28, 2007 at 12:58 AM
I'm particularly fond of having Re/Search books in my bathroom. Odd as this might sound.
Posted by: frumiousb | May 28, 2007 at 02:50 AM
Currently, I have in my bathroom a book about the TV series LOST.
Posted by: Bybee | May 28, 2007 at 03:47 AM
"I Thought My Father Was God" - collected by Paul Auster. Perfect bathroom reading.
Posted by: Matthew Tiffany | May 28, 2007 at 06:15 AM
I generally breeze through a couple of chapters of FINNEGANS WAKE. Hope this helps!
Posted by: Jack Pendarvis | May 28, 2007 at 09:54 AM
My Bathroom Reading currently consists of The Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook by Joshua Piven and David Borgenicht. The thought of learning how to survive a poisonous snake attack while in the uh, "dangerous" confines of my bathroom was too good to pass up.
Posted by: J.S. Peyton | May 28, 2007 at 04:49 PM
Atonement in my loo, or The Emigrants--I disremember. Saturday!
The Hood Company
Posted by: Brian Hadd | May 29, 2007 at 02:07 PM
I'm certainly a bathroom reader (though I believe I'm in the minority among women), but don't keep books in the bathroom nor do I read particular kinds of books in the bathroom. Whatever I happen to be reading at the moment is what I take in, and this week it's The Element of Lavishness (the letters of Sylvia Townsend Warner and William Maxwell).
Posted by: theorist | May 29, 2007 at 02:55 PM
I nominate this the best meme of May, 2007.
Posted by: tito | May 29, 2007 at 04:57 PM
Philip Roth's Shoptalk and Louis Menand's American Studies.
I have a friend who swears Tristram Shandy was structured to be read on the loo.
Posted by: maitresse | May 30, 2007 at 11:52 AM
My significant other is addicted to Uncle John's Bathroom Readers. They are full of facts about everything. And when I say everything, I mean it. Useless information about things you never knew you wanted to know about. But I guess it's helped him answer a few Jeopardy questions correctly. I don't usually bring books in the bathroom but tabloid type stuff will make into the stash. All items get flagged that enter, like George at Brentano's on Seinfeld. Once it comes in, it can't go back on the bookshelf.
Posted by: Angela | May 30, 2007 at 02:30 PM
23 Ways to First Base was nominated by Bill Simmons (ESPN sports) as his TOP 5 bathroom readings. This is a must for the sports fanatic and even those who aren't in to sports! It has every piece of trivia from How many sports cameos were on The Simpsons to every first picks in the NFL draft since 1936. It's a for sure Father's Day gift!
Posted by: Michelle | June 12, 2007 at 07:49 PM