BEA dispatches to follow soon - day one consisting mostly of meals, parties and a few meetings. We'll do our level best to post impressions on the fly but in the meantime, heads up on some important fun for next week. We'll be off on a quiet retreat communing with the lovely Mrs. TEV and plowing through novel revisions. While we're away, we're delighted to have Katherine Taylor step in and take over duties here at TEV.
Katherine Taylor is the author of Rules For Saying Goodbye, just published by FSG. She has won a Pushcart Prize and the McGinnis-Ritchie Award in fiction. She earned an MFA at Columbia University, where she was a Graduate Writing Fellow. She lives in Los Angeles and has all sorts of amusing tricks up her sleeve to keep things interesting around here next week. Please make her feel welcome and we'll be back around these parts June 11 (the odd BEA updates notwithstanding).