Please welcome the newest addition to our blogroll: NYTBR Senior Editor Dwight Garner joins the blogosphere as the Times unveils Paper Cuts, its latest blog offering. Garner notes the departure of Daniel Menaker from Random House by reproducing some vintage advertisements. (Full disclosure: Garner is our editor at the Book Review.)
I’ve already put up a slide show of vintage books ads this morning. (See the post below this one.) But at risk of overkill … the announcement that Menaker is out at Random House makes it impossible for me to resist posting just one more.
The Times' news coverage of Menaker's departure can be found here, where they note the mixed financial results of his tenure:
But some of his titles failed to flourish financially. Most recently, a first novel by Mr. Kunkel was a critical darling but sold only 15,100 copies in hardcover, according to Nielsen BookScan, which tracks most online and retail sales.
The NYTimes Book Review has editors?
Posted by: Ayre | June 11, 2007 at 01:23 PM