My review of In the Hot Zone: One Man, One Year, Twenty Wars appears today in Steve Wasserman's book section at Here's the opening:
The book publishing industry’s hunger to capitalize on the audiences of popular Web sites and bloggers has recently led it to make some risible creative choices which suggest a questionable grasp of the strength of either medium. We may accept the short and choppy online, and perhaps we even seek it out: easily digestible nuggets to enjoy during the course of a busy day. But when we settle down with a book, most of us seek a different experience. The Web does certain things uniquely well, coupling immediacy with multimedia and a profound sense of interconnectedness, courtesy of the humble hyperlink. Books, on the other hand, draw their strength from depth, reflection, gestation. Writers—and publishers—forget this at their peril. And so, the lamentable and increasingly common Web-to-book transition is seldom a smooth one.
You can read the entire review here.