I'm outta here. Returning to these parts some time after January 2, though not certain exactly when. While I'm gone, some of my litblogging comrades will be keeping the lights on, so do check out the blogroll.
I've been called "earnest," as though that's a bad thing, but allow me to earnestly thank all of my readers for what has been a remarkable, unforgettable year. TEV has never been a monologue, it's a conversation, and it's a rich one precisely because of all of you.
I'm looking forward to returning in January with renewed enthusiasm, continuing to bring you literary news of the day and providing a forum for us all to talk about it. There will be interviews, reviews and plenty of new features. And, of course, as Harry, Revised makes its way into the world, there will be regular updates.
Until then, Mrs. TEV and I are off to Paris, with side trips to Strasbourg and Toulouse. There will be reports when we return.
So what is the significance of the headline of this post? Behind that, a story. Many years ago, my beloved friend Jeannie was in Paris with her then-husband Floyd. Having no reservations for New Years' festivities they found themselves in an American-themed restaurant with long, communal dining tables. As some of you may know, the French custom is that at midnight, you turn to the people around you, shake hands, and wish them "Bonne Année." Well, midnight rolled around, and the non-French-speaking Floyd turned to his French neighbor at the table. Here's what happened.
FRENCH NEIGHBOR (hand extended to shake): Bonne Année!
FLOYD (taking it): Floyd.
FRENCH NEIGHBOR (kindly shaking head, trying to explain): Non, non, non: (slowly) Bonne ... Année.
FLOYD (equally slowly): F... l ... o ... y ... d.
Mrs. TEV and I wish you all Floyd, and we'll see you in 2008.
Floyd to you, too!
(I like it.)
Posted by: Stephany Aulenback | December 21, 2007 at 06:41 AM
Very funny. Have a good trip.
Posted by: stephan | December 21, 2007 at 10:53 AM
I wish you floyd as well or when you get back to the states, bonne annee.
Posted by: Huysmans | December 21, 2007 at 11:06 AM