January 29, 2008


Michael O'D

This business seems silly to me. The article says that Amis is getting a salary of £80,000 (or just under $160,000) per year from the university. That's not an outlandish figure for a superstar professor. I wonder what Harvard Law School pays Alan Dershowitz and Charles Ogletree, who spend most of their time not giving lectures or grading papers but writing bestselling pop non-fiction. I can tell you it's a lot more than $160,000 a year. Music schools in our country pay HUGE salaries to superstar performers (like soprano Silvia McNair at Indiana University) in return for a masterclass or two and a recital. They must find that the investment pays off.

Just so here. If Amis's university admits just five extra students who want to go to a school where Amis teaches, the salary will be paid back several fold.

Steven Augustine

But, Michael, bashing Amis for *whatever* he does, at this point (can't wait until we find out he's been bonking the au pair), is such risk-free fun!


Presumably Amis is spending time reading his students' work as well. So I doubt he's spending an hour a week at work. More like five or six hours a week.

Jude Bloom

The last time around, all the bitching was about all the piles of filthy money he was receiving so he could get a tooth job for a new wife. Of course, in reality he had cancer of the jaw and was eating his fish and chips through a straw.

Slagging authors is nothing new, but I can't remember another writer who's been hit with the money thing so often. I don't know why this is. I mean, I dunno, when's the last time you went in for a job and didn't ask to be paid as much as you thought you could get them to pay you? Athletes -- this is not a joke -- will soon be measuring their career earnings in *billions*.

I say pay every single writer out there as astronomically as you can get away with. Good on 'em.

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