Welcome to The Elegant Variation Vermin!
Most of you know me as the host of the irregular and irreverent reading series in the dark heart of L.A.'s Chinatown, Vermin on the Mount. At our most recent gathering, it was my pleasure to celebrate the publication of Harry, Revised with a small party. Mark served as guest curator and I relinquished my duties for the evening and now I get return the favor by guest blogging while Mark is on tour.
So what can you expect? There will be no posts about drug fiends in tight shorts professional cycling, James Bond, or The Beatles. I've got some book reviews and interviews that I'll share with you throughout the week organized around the theme of Good Things in Small Packages. In other words, I'm going to take a look at some books that are unusually small in terms of scope, genre, form and/or size. Books that defy conventions, are hard to classify, or just plain strange.
I'll also speak with some publishers and editors, share a long list with you, and reveal my all time favorite book in the Good Things in Small Packages category.
First, a remarkable short novel as haunting as Camus's The Stranger...
Hey Jim!
Good to see you up on the boards & glad to hear Vermin is still running strong.
Posted by: Brad Listi | May 12, 2008 at 12:25 PM
But is there a rat in the kitchen?
IB40 in six months.
Check out the Pocket Canons and those little pocket-sized classics Penguin did a few years ago. I've got "The Death of Ivan Ilych" in my coat pocket right now.
That is all. Rise above,
Posted by: Duncan Murrell | May 13, 2008 at 07:25 AM
Thanks, Brad!
Duncan: I've got you beat by a few months, amigo. Check back Friday for a Big Bad List of Good Things in Small Packages!
Posted by: Jim | May 13, 2008 at 11:04 AM