BEA is over and we're digging out around here, so please sit tight - we're about to post our delayed giveaway, as well as news of the release of the first international edition of Harry, Revised. As for the weekend, for us it was mostly about catching up with old friends and making some new ones. We do have the requisite pile of galleys through which we will be inching this week, and over the next few days we will share our three favorite BEA Galley Page Ones. Until then, you can find plenty of coverage at Jacket Copy, Counterbalance, Vulture, Scalzi and BookFox. And, for subscribers, Michael Cader does his usual thorough roundup for Publishers Marketplace, where he covers the food workers walkout that left us hungry, the party at Prince's house that left most of us snubbed, and the the general response to the show:
Publishing executives who used to gamely tell us how nice to was to see everyone gathered together and be part of the community even if they couldn't measure the return on investment were talking more this time about the "waste of money" the show has come to represent. One ceo, admitting that "you have to be here," nonetheless said to us, "I don't know what the solution is. People are going to have to take a hard look" at the show and its relevance and value.
For us the big story of the weekend, though, was the mysterious appearance of Los Angeles Times Book Review editor David L. Ulin's double, who seemed to be everywhere David was not. Here is Ulin Redux at the Consortium party at the Hotel Figueroa:
And below is the genuine article for comparison purposes:
Creepy, eh? Theories abounded all weekend - a successful clone, a hired body double to cover the extra parties - no one can be sure. But the attention to detail - right down to the earring (too hard to see on these photos) - had us consumed with guesswork into the wee hours.
Hey Mark, I know exactly what you mean about the Ulin double. I did double-takes a couple of times. But I think the man might be Jeffrey Goldman, publisher of Santa Monica Press.
Posted by: John Fox | June 02, 2008 at 09:46 PM
Then again, it's much more fun to imagine Ulin hiring a double to hit the places and parties he can't.
Posted by: John Fox | June 02, 2008 at 09:48 PM