Our love of letters collections and journals is well known to regulars around here, and today we've got one of those giveaways that's the result of our having gotten duplicate copies of a couple of truly fine volumes. Otherwise, there's no way we'd be parting with The Journals of John Cheever (Vintage International), Reborn: Susan Sontag's Journals and Notebooks 1947-1963 (FSG); and The Journal of Jules Renard (Tin House), from which we've already quoted around here.
We suspect we don't need to say much about these three volumes to excite you, so let's just cut to the chase. Drop us an email, subject line "JOURNALS! JOURNALS! JOURNALS!" and include your full mailing address, please. Until all the backlogged books get sent out, we are suspending the previous winner prohibition, so all can play. We'll take the entries until 7:00 p.m. PST at which time the Random Number Generator will crush all but one of you. Until then ...
UPDATE: Congratulations, at last, to winner Debby Baker!
the merriest of xmas, mark. sadly I missed the date of your cheever give-a-way. I suspect, cheever slappy that I am, I have his journals in my cheever-stack, among the many letters and scholarly works and such. I would point out that giving cheever away is tantamount to sacrilege but I suspect you know this. :) all best - steve
Posted by: steven gillis | December 25, 2008 at 11:31 AM
Was a winner ever announced for this give away?
Posted by: Andy | January 06, 2009 at 12:40 PM
Did anyone win here or was the giveaway cancelled?
Posted by: Sanjay | January 12, 2009 at 12:11 PM