December 18, 2008



Uwe Boll?

Ron Hogan

Well, it could've been Uwe Boll. Or Lars von Trier.


I'm sure Michael Bay could do some horrible things to it....

John Shannon

If Tarkovsky isn't available, Clint Eastwood.

Michael Mussman

Darren Aronofsky


That it, I got it...wait for it...Michael Schumacher.


Shoot, Jake beat me to Michael Bay. Second worst choice: James Cameron.


not sure why lurhman is a terrible choice - the world being over, really??? a bit dramatic. I can think of a dozen or more directors who would be worse:

1.) Tony Scott
2.) Joel Schumacher
3.) George Lucas
4.) yes, Michael Bay
5.) Brett Ratner
6.) Bryan Singer
7.) Ridley Scott
8.) Steven Spielberg
9.) Michael Mann
10.) that's enough

Lurhman certainly not the best choice. My choices would be, in order to capture the character emotion better than the '74 version:

1.) Todd Field (who's slated to do Blood Meridian)
2.) Roman Polanksi
3.) Clint Eastwood was a good choice

That's about it. Yes, I got way too involved in this post. My apologies.


I'd definitely second Brett Ratner as a worse choice. I don't think Baz is necessarily a bad choice, just an odd one. Like what if the Coen brothers did Great Gatsby? The thought blows my mind.


Worse than Baz? For The Great Gatsby?

How about:

Spike Lee? David Lynch? Paul Verhoeven? Todd Solondz? Tim Burton?


M. Night Shamalyan


I disagree with one director listed above. Personally, I'd pay top dollar to see the David Lynch version of The Great Gatsby.

Hell, just for the party scenes alone!

- I don't remember mention of any strung-out acid jazz band in the novel....
- Shhh... Just roll with it. Here comes the hydroplane!


LOL. The idea of Spike Lee doing The Great Gatsby is a good one. I don't think there is a director out there that could mutilate TGG more than he could.


Having recently seen Sam Mendes and Frank Miller utterly destroy literary masterpieces for the big screen (of which more anon and at length), I can safely declare that there are plenty of directors who can do much worse than Lurhmann.


i actually think m. night might do alright - since it's not his story, but maybe that's what he needs.

although, what would it be like if Kubrick was here to do it? hmm.


Nora Ephron

Nicholas Tam

Okay: there's a world of difference between great directors with a distinctive style that doesn't intuitively match the source material (Aronofsky, Luhrmann, Kubrick, Spielberg, Eastwood) and bad directors whom I wouldn't trust with a thing.

I think the question we should be asking ourselves here is, whose directorial style is suited for Gatsby? I'll bet you we'll come up with a much shorter list.

Ang Lee?

For the record, the 1974 film starring Robert Redford didn't impress me either.


From the article linked to: "He just paid tribute to his home country in the epic Australia..." - Many Australians, myself included, would dispute this point.

Having watched The Village, I can't countenance ever watching a film directed by M. Night again, and having seen what Kubrick did with King's The Shining (and in particular its female character), I would rather not think of his directing Gatsby.

I think Wong Kar Wai or Jean-Pierre Jeunet could do a great job of Gatsby. On the strength of Away From Her, Sarah Polley would do a much better job than many of the better known directors.


I would love to have seen what Ed Wood or Roger Corman would have done with GATSBY.


okay, nicholas, yes, the directors i mentioned are not "bad" - their style does not suit this adaptation.

And Evie, my comment on m. night was a complete and utter joke - which is what I think of his storytelling.

Kubrick - who knows...

But, Sarah Polley - I think that could be fantastic. Away From Her is a great film.

Tiffany Leigh

The 1974 version with Redford as Jay Gatsby was adapted by Francis Ford Coppola BUT directed by Jack Clayton.

Coppola would be an interesting person to direct -- a revisionist re-approach to his original adaptation.

At the same time, he seems to have lost much of his chops considerably since the decade-plus of superlatives that was the 1970's (up until Apocalypse Now). But since he was dying to do On the Road forever, why not take another cut at a classic?

Jim H.

John Woo


Mark, two words: Ron Howard.

Michael O'D

Roland Emmerich.


I was hoping for Crispin Glover.


forget the question. I want to see the Quentin Tarantino version of Gatsby (Uma Thurman as Daisy, naturally).

Jack Pendarvis

May I humbly submit "McG"?

Mike Mc

I think only the Farrelly Brothers could properly explore the vast potential for comedy in Gatsby.


My sixth sense:

1. Jane Campion
2. Mike Leigh (yeah... improv that, Mike)
3. Todd Haynes (the closest to competant fidelity)
4. Lukas Moodysson (for bonafide irreverence and casual glimpses of pudendum).
5. Harvey Weinstein (His Directorial Launch)

Vladimir Gonzalez

A spanish one: Pedro Almodovar


Personally, I think any director would ultimately fail. There have been very few true great novels that I've loved on the screen. Two totally different media - one, a gauzy ambiguity, requiring us to join the writer to complete the vision, the other, images and thoughts directed and generally seared in stone. Both can be art, but they do not share the same language. Great novels, poor films.


Actually, if we're talking about distinctive directors for GATSBY, why not Alejandro Jodorowsky? (He almost made a version of DUNE.)

Ink and Beans

Iron Man notwithstanding... Jon Favreau.

- Jim

The Results Are In! Blue Ink Defeats Black Ink, 31-24.


I'd kinda like to see the Russ Meyer version.


Ratner, Ratner, Ratner

Lauren Baratz-Logsted

Maybe Baz could put Nicole Kidman in it and when she first sees Brad Pitt/Jay Gatsby she could say, "It's the drover!"


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