Barnes and Noble has announced the 2009 Discover awards finalists. In fiction they are:
Barb Johnson, More of This World or Maybe Another (HarperPerennial) |
Victor Lodato, Mathilda Savitch (Farrar, Straus & Giroux) |
C. E. Morgan, All the Living (Farrar, Straus & Giroux) |
I've read both the Morgan and the Lodato and think they are both worthy of the nod. Maud Newton's appreciation of All the Living can be found here.
Gratifying to see the Morgan book get some recognition. It's very rare to find such a theologically sophisticated book that isn't itself religious. When I read writers like Robinson or O'Connor or Tolstoy, etc., I get the uncomfortable feeling that someone's trying to convert me against my will, so I appreciate books that take religious concerns seriously without actually taking a religious stance. I actually can't think of another novel that works around religion and ethics in this particular way, though if anyone can recommend one, I'd appreciate it.
Posted by: Gil | February 07, 2010 at 09:49 PM