My pal Robert Birnbaum has a nice chat up with John Banville to ease us into the autumn ...
RB: Do the Banville books get more rigorous editing?
JB: No, the Banville books are not edited at all.
RB: Who, ostensibly, is your editor? Sonny Mehta?
JB: Yeah. He would make some suggestions, which I would take or leave. I’ve been working two to five years on this thing. There is nothing that anybody can tell me about it that I don’t already know.
RB: You’re honest with yourself?
JB: Of course. You couldn’t write if you weren’t honest. That’s what makes art so valuable. No matter how dreadful the person, the art is always honest. Art can’t be made dishonestly. It just can’t. I mean, you can do it but it will be bad art.
The latest Black, A Death in Summer, is right here on my desk, but it's queued up behind a few others. It's been a bit of a late summer reading binge around here, about which more presently.