The only thing that could keep me away from Andrew Sean Greer's Pasadena reading this evening is teaching, and unfortunately I have a class tonight. But otherwise I would make the trek for Greer's only L.A. appearance to hear him read from his latest novel, "The Impossible Lives of Greta Wells."
I am a longtime fan of Greer's fiction - he was my first author interview here at TEV all those years ago - and I'm eager to crack open the covers on this one. (We've also appeared together at LAPL ALOUD, and he was kind enough to blurb my first novel.)
He's an engaging reader, and is very much worth making the trip for. I hope you'll head out to Pasadena this evening, and support a tremendous novelist and a fine independent bookstore. What could be better, right?
“No one tells the secrets of the human heart more bravely or eloquently than Andrew Sean Greer. He has been called our Proust, our Nabokov, but with this novel he transcends all comparison. This is a genius-stroke of a book. Read it and weep.”— Julie Orringer